Never have we experienced such a thing. Such deserted roads, exterior changes of the human, and many others are so unusual. Head covered by hair net, masked face, body covered by the long dress, moving with hand sanitizer, social distancing, and many other such issues have been brought by COVID-19. COVID-19 has created a severe health crisis across the globe. A densely populated country like Bangladesh is very vulnerable to being affected by this virus.
The first infected patient by COVID-19 was identified on March 8th, 2020 in Dhaka, and on March 18th the patient died. Following this, the number of infected patients is increasing. Initially, a general holiday of 10 days from March 26th to April 4th has been declared by which the Lockdown is virtually started. Afterward, the general holiday has been extended for the situation demand. The lockdown is still continuing. The financial crisis of the lower and lower-middle strata of the society turns into dire conditions following the shutdown of all types of business. Nobody knows when we can go back into our normal life.
The situation is very much alarming for middle income and lower-middle-income people. The people of this class are passing a bad time. The cost of living is rising following the surge in commodity markets. The fear of losing a job is increasing. There is a fear of losing the battle of life in difficult times. It is a great shame for middle-class people to ask for help from someone. The conflict of self-esteem and scarcity leads them to even more complex situations. If you look at these people very closely, you will see the impression of uncertainty in their eyes. Like the pale pictures of mine, their life is becoming colorless day by day.